Weddings and Baptisms


Christian Marriage is available in the church by arrangement with the minister and after a period of preparation. A fee is payable, and couples must also obtain the correct documentation from the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. The minister will give advice on how to go about this. Where one or both partners have been divorced marriage may still be possible in the Church, and we consider each case individually.
Blessing after a wedding elsewhere
This may follow a civil ceremony or wedding abroad by arrangement with the minister. A fee is payable.
Renewal of Wedding Vows
Sometimes married couples wish to renew their vows in church and ask for a blessing. This may be because of a significant anniversary, following illness, or after a time of difficulty. This is normally done in a private ceremony, but may be done in Sunday Worship if desired. Renewal of vows is by arrangement with the minister, and there is no fee.
Baptism is by arrangement and usually takes place during the main Sunday morning service. It is the practice of the Methodist Church to baptise infants, but also adults where they have not been baptised previously. Baptism follows suitable preparation which will be conducted by the minister. There is no fee for baptism.
Thanksgiving for the birth of a child
Baptism is an act of Christian commitment which some parents wish to leave until their children are old enough to make their own decision of faith and ask for their own baptism. The Methodist Church welcomes all, and provides a service of thanksgiving for the birth of a child for those parents who would prefer such a service. This normally takes place in the main Sunday morning service by arrangement with the minister. There is no fee for thanksgivings.
Please use the contact page to ask for further information or to arrange to speak to the Minister of the church where you would like the ceremony to take place.
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